The EU’s fastest growing EV market is — surprise! — Latvia!


According to Latvian national news agency, LETA, the Baltic nation has logged the fastest growing rise in electric car sales among EU member states.

Across the first three quarters of this year, Latvians have bought and registered 328% more electric vehicles than they did across the same period in 2019.

Over the first three quarters, 287 electric vehicles were registered in the country. 229 of these were battery electric vehicles and 58 were plug-in hybrids.

While the overall volumes might not compare to bigger car buying nations like the UK or Germany, the growth in EV uptake should still be considered as a positive.

Last year, across the first nine months of the year, there were just 67 EVs registered.

Latvia isn’t alone in experiencing heady growth in EV sales. Slovakia, Czech Republic, and Estonia all saw three-figure growth in EV registrations, posting growth of 316.5%, 245.5%, and 208.5% respectively.

It seems that Baltic nations are quite receptive of new low-emission transport. 

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